Blog posts


Erdbebenwellen malen à la Courbet

8 minute read


Die von Erdbeben und anderen Erschütterungen ausgelösten Wellenbewegungen durch die Erde können im Computer berechnet werden, um damit den Boden und die Gesteine unter unseren Füßen zu untersuchen. Dabei sind die Computermodelle manchmal so detailliert wie ein Gemälde aus der Epoche des Realismus.


#vEGU21 is over – What remains?

4 minute read


The virtual EGU21 is over. Although the conference was virtual last year, too, I would consider this to be the first fully virtual EGU conference. Last year, EGU — really not bad at all — was more like an emergency replacement at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, there was plenty of time to prepare the conference in a virtual format and it was really a great experience. Despite the little problems with the original vPICO platform, everything went very well in my opinion. There were many great short courses, general debates, and innumerable interesting contributions from scientists all around the world. Now, it's time for a recap and to think about the impact of #vEGU21.